Museum Milestones 2016
Car Barn: The new car barn received its track end doors. All tracks in the barn and leading to the barn were ballasted and tamped. And, of course, it’s full. Most of the barn got painted.
Turntable: A Queen Truss turntable was constructed for the Sheepscot yard. A pit was dug, and a concrete foundation poured. Massive Douglas Fir beams arrived on site, and after treatment with preservative was assembled into the turntable structure. During Fall Work Weekend a borrowed crane lowered it into place. The turntable was put into use at the end of the weekend.
Top of the Mountain: Trees were cleared from the Top of the Mountain area west of the existing tracks, to make room for an additional siding and eventual shingle mill and saw mill. The switch for the siding was installed, and a couple hundred feet of siding was built.
Down the Mountain: Crews built 600 feet of track down the Mountain during the Fall Work Weekend.
Rail Delivery: Approximately 1.5 miles of rail was delivered from defunct railroads in Wisconsin and Illinois.
36th National Narrow Gauge Convention: Augusta, Maine, hosted this annual convention. Many visitors from the Convention visited the Museum, for which we were open the entire week of Labor Day. Much interest was generated and many became members.