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Here's a Partial List of Needed Help:

  • Become a Member – We are owned and operated by our membership.  We currently have about 1200 members world-wide.  Please see details about becoming a member.
  • Volunteer – Actually work on a railroad.  From track crew to groundskeepers to gift shop to tour guides, we need your help.  We always need skilled craftsmen (machinists, woodworkers, engineers, etc.) If you’re interested, just show up on an operating day, or a volunteer work day (see the calendar) and we’ll find something for you to do.  Opportunities exist to help “off-site” especially in web design, social media, marketing, grant-writing, etc.) Please see the Volunteer page for more information.
  • Tell Others About Us – If you like what we are doing, be sure to “like” us on Facebook. We also appreciate fresh reviews on GoogleTripAdvisor, and Yelp. These small things have enormous impact on informing others about the Museum’s efforts.
  • Shop for Us – Charity shopping portals will donate a percentage of your online purchases to the organization of your choice – and it doesn’t cost anything additional. We’re listed on GoodShop, and iGive. Start your purchases there, then shop wherever you like, and a small donation will automatically be sent to the Museum.
  • Rail – We are always looking for sources of 56 or 60 pound rail.  A single used, relay-quality rail costs around $350. 60 pound rail is about 4.25″ tall x 4.25″ at the base of the web; 56 pound is 4″ at the base. Anything larger we can not use (anything smaller may be of use.)
  • Ties – Can’t have rail without ties.  Minimum size is 5′ long, in good shape.  New ties are around $50; used are around $20 each.
  • Memorabilia – If you have any 2-foot or WW&F history you wish to share, come on down! This includes photos, stories, and even pieces of equipment.
  • Donations -Visit the Donations page to give directly or consider participating in either the Build 11 or Bring Trains to Maine up from Africa campaigns.
  • Right of Way – Do you own any of the original WW&F’s railroad right-of-way, and would like us to have it?  Come talk to us!
  • Endowment – Please think of us during your estate planning.  Our endowment is professionally invested through the Maine Community Foundation.

All donations are appreciated, whether they be of time, money, or materials.  If you are looking to give for specific need or project, please contact the Museum for further information or ideas.